New Starbucks and Burger King near Norwich set for approval

Some have raised concerns about increased traffic

Broadland Gate
Author: Eleanor Storey, LDRSPublished 25th Mar 2024

Two new fast food drive-throughs could soon be moving into a business park near Norwich despite concerns about increased traffic.

Proposals for Starbucks and Burger King restaurants at Broadland Gate Business Park, in Postwick, have been recommended for approval by council officials.

The vacant site in Maple Way would be fitted out with two new drive-through units, both including indoor and outdoor seating for dine-in customers.

Concerns were raised after the plans were submitted in April last year about the increased level of traffic the businesses would bring to the area.

Broadland Gate Business Park is already home to several retailers including a Lidl supermarket and McDonald’s restaurant.

Eleanor Laming, Green Party district councillor for Brundall, said: “The proposed development would significantly increase traffic and pollution on the relevant section of Maple Way.

“There is a need for a business to occupy the space but it would be more appropriate to encourage placement of a different outlet which would still provide employment but not encourage a trade in unhealthy foods.”

Planning officers have recommended that Broadland District Council approve the application at a meeting on March 27.

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