Norfolk man to appear in court charged with child sex offences

The court case follows a lengthy police investigation

Author: Rory GannonPublished 3rd Feb 2022
Last updated 3rd Feb 2022

A 31-year-old man is to appear in court next week facing several charges of sexual assault against children.

Jonathan Clarke, of Highview Close in Blofield, was charged with nine different offences following a lengthy police investigation.

The investigation centred around an account on social media that incited children to take indecent images of themselves between December 2019 and January this year.

Leads followed by the police lead to the arrest of the man in Norwich on January 6th, where he was taken to Wymondham Police Investigation Centre for further questioning.

Norfolk Constabulary confirmed that the offences were connected to Clarke's role as a Soccer Star coach at Lingwood Primary School.

Police are also looking into the possibility of other offences at the man's other job, working as a youth team coach for Blofield United Youth Club.

The man was initially charged with seven offences, including inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, making an indecent image of a child and blackmail.

But once Clarke was arrested, a further two charges were added against him following an appearance at Norwich Magistrates' Court on January 8th.

Clarke currently remains held in police custody following the investigation and will be appearing before Norwich Crown Court next Friday (February 11th).

Speaking about the case, Senior Investigating Officer Dave McCormack from Norfolk Constabulary said the force was doing all it could to protect other children from similar incidents.

“Our priority is to safeguard and protect children and all the relevant and necessary measures are in place for those involved," he said.

“We understand news of these allegations will cause concern among parents and the local community. We would encourage anyone to report concerns or suspicions they may have to police by calling 101 and ask to speak with a member of the Safeguarding Children Online Team.

“These offences are treated with the utmost seriousness, investigated thoroughly and sensitively,” he added.

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