Norwich council house re-let times down for first time in a year

The authority’s target is 21 days

Author: George Thompson, LDRSPublished 26th Sep 2023
Last updated 26th Sep 2023

The amount of time it's taking Norwich's City Hall to turn around empty homes and get in a new tenant has dropped for the first time in over a year.

The delay before empty Norwich council houses are re-let – a period known as ‘void’ – has dropped to 69 days.

The latest data, revealed in a report to the council’s cabinet, covers January to March in 2023 and is down from 101 days in October to December 2022.

At the beginning of 2021, it was just 26 days.

The authority’s target is 21 days.

The authority owns around 14,500 council homes and has almost 4,000 people on the waiting list.

Addressing his cabinet colleagues at a recent meeting, Mike Stonard, the leader of City Hall, said reducing re-let times was a “key priority” and he expected to see further reductions in the coming months.

The re-let time issue has been exacerbated by the authority having to battle through a backlog of repairs following a scandal that meant safety checks were not properly carried out at hundreds of council properties.

The council brought in contractors to address the work.

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