Suffolk Police won't tolerate "time wasters" who break lockdown rules

The force is urging everyone in the county to play their part to stop the spread of Covid-19.

Author: Arlen JamesPublished 5th Nov 2020

The new lockdown measures have been introduced today, 5th November, meaning non-essential businesses will close to the public.

Restrictions are also in place on social gatherings and people are required to work from home if possible.

Acting Chief Superintendent Kim Warner said: "We all need to show restraint, discipline and common sense over the coming month – this is a public health emergency where a collective responsibility is needed to respect each other’s concerns.

"It is imperative people comply with the new lockdown measures to prevent the NHS being overwhelmed and to ensure lives are saved. We all need to work together to protect our NHS and other public services, not just the police.

"Police will engage with people sensibly, proportionately, fairly, and using the well-established 4Es approach of engaging, explaining and encouraging. Any enforcement has always been a last resort.

"However, not following the measures put in place to limit the spread of the virus is unacceptable, so we won’t tolerate time wasters who knowingly break the rules. People recklessly ignoring the regulations by organising large gatherings, music events, or holding large parties should expect to receive a fixed penalty notice.

"We continue to keep working closely with our partners to keep Suffolk as safe as possible and despite the pandemic Suffolk Constabulary remain focussed on our key role – keeping Suffolk people safe and catching criminals."

You can find more information on the lockdown rules on the Government website.