Man jailed for stalking and criminal damage in Oxford

32 year old Morton Morton was sentenced to six months.

Morton Morton
Author: Andrea FoxPublished 19th Apr 2024

Following an investigation by Thames Valley Police, a man has been jailed for stalking and criminal damage in Oxford.

Morton Morton, aged 32, of no fixed abide, pleaded guilty to one count of stalking causing serious alarm and distress and three counts of criminal damage, in a hearing at Oxford Magistrates’ Court on Monday 15th April.

Morton was sentenced to six months’ imprisonment and made subject to an indefinite restraining order to protect the victim.

Between March 17th and April 13th this year, Moreton embarked on a relentless campaign of stalking a woman and damaged her families’ property on a number of occasions.

He was arrested on Saturday 13th and was charged the following day.

Investigating officer Detective Constable Ruth Plant said: “We are pleased that Morton Morton decided to plead guilty due to the overwhelming evidence bravely provided by the victim.

“Stalking has a serious effect on victims and will not be tolerated.

“We would encourage anybody suffering from persistent and unwanted contact from anyone to please report this to the police and we will investigate and seek to bring offenders to justice."

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