People in Rutland urged to 'celebrate safely' this Bonfire Night

Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service has shared advice on keeping safe

Author: Lettie BuxtonPublished 5th Nov 2021
Last updated 5th Nov 2021

People in Rutland are being encouraged to 'celebrate safely' this Bonfire Night, ahead of what can be a busy night for Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service.

While the fire service said they would always advise going to an organised event, they have also asked anybody who is hosting their own celebration to make sure they have pre-planned.

Advice includes keeping a good distance from bonfires and buying approved fireworks, as well as disposing of fireworks safely.

Michael Teago, who works for the community safety team within Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service, told Greatest Hits Radio about a top tip for when children are using sparklers:

"We recommend that you put a sparkler into a carrot.

"That means that their little hands can hold onto that carrot nice and easily, and it gives a bit more distance away from the face.

"A bucket of water after our sparkler has extinguished and gone out - place the sparkler into the bucket of water.

"No one goes and picks one up or a pet doesn't go over anywhere near it."

But he also told Greatest Hits Radio about what people should do if something does go wrong:

"If someone does get a little bit close and our clothing or our hair was to catch on fire, we can do the 'Stop, Drop and Roll'.

"So we would stop what we're doing, drop to the floor and roll over.

"That will extinguish the flames and put them out, and then obviously we want to call for help.

"Everyone always thinks it won't happen to me.

"We see the adverts on the TV and see the stuff on social media and think it's something that happens to other people.

"But, it's really important in that moment that something has gone wrong that we know what to do.

"The burns and the injuries that can result from bonfires and fireworks can be horrendous and can take years of treatment.

"There is obviously the psychological affect as well.

"If you are hosting a party and someone is badly hurt, the impact that's going to cause on people's mental health is worrying."

There is more advice on 'celebrating safely' on the Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service website.

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