A new programme is being rolled out across Rutland to tackle domestic abuse.

It comes after a successful bid to the home office of more than £240,000 for the county.

Author: Hannah NorburyPublished 19th Nov 2020

A new programme to help change the behaviour of domestic abuse perpetrators has been rolled out across Rutland.

More than £240,000 will be given to the county, following a successful bid to the home office to expand specialist provision for perpetrators of domestic abuse to help change their violent behaviour.

The service will aim to identify and motivate change in men and women using abusive behaviour in their relationships, to reduce that behaviour and improve the safety and wellbeing of partners, ex-partners, children and themselves.

What will it include?

A 24-week group programme for men only to change their violent and abusive behaviour.

A 12-week Individual Interventions Programme for female perpetrators, Non-English speakers, perpetrators in same-sex relationships and for perpetrators unsuitable for the group programme.

A 10-week Dads Parenting Programme focusing on restorative parenting, a monthly maintenance group.

A parallel Partner Support Service, offering emotional, practical and safety planning support for partners/ex-partners of perpetrators engaged in interventions.

Willy Bach, the police and crime commissioner said:

"This funding is great news and will help us to increase the opportunities for perpetrators of abuse to change their behaviour in the long-term and thus increase the safety of their partners and families.

"We know that the pandemic has heightened the risk of domestic abuse for those already living with a violent partner and as we move through a second national lockdown it is more important than ever that we deliver meaningful help, support and redress to protect the vulnerable during these anxious times and protect their mental and physical wellbeing.

"Through this funding, and the additional financial commitment from partners, we will be delivering a whole-system approach where perpetrators will also receive the specialist help they need to change."

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