£25,000 jackpot for new online lottery set up to support Salisbury's good causes

City bosses hope it will help organisations after such a difficult time during the pandemic.

Author: Jack DeeryPublished 7th Oct 2020
Last updated 7th Oct 2020

Salisbury City Council will soon launch a new online lottery to support local charities and good causes.

The draw works like the National Lottery, with cash prizes up for grabs for matching a sequence of numbers.

£25,000 can be won for matching six of them, with other prizes being £2,000, £250 or £25.

Tickets for the weekly draw cost £1, with 60p from each going towards good causes across the city.

Organisations will be able to set up their own Salisbury City Community Lottery pages which players will be able to donate 50p of their money to specifically.

The other 10p will go into the Salisbury City Council Community Grant fund, which is used to support local initiatives.

For players who do not wish to support a specific cause, the full 60p of their ticket will go into the fund.

Leader of the Council, Cllr Jeremy Nettle said:

"Salisbury City Community Lottery provides a great opportunity to help local good causes to raise additional money. It has been a very difficult time for many of these very important and valuable good causes during the pandemic.

We are committed to continuing our support to local community groups through our community grants programme but this will be a way of spreading support amongst the wider community."

On the 29th June 2020, City Councillors agreed that they would be among the few local authorities in the country to launch its own online community lottery.

You don't have to be a Salisbury resident to sign up.

You can find regular updates on the draw by visiting the City Council's website or you can email them directly on lottery@salisburycitycouncil.gov.uk.