Over 50 cars break speed limit on New Forest road in just ONE HOUR

Roger Penny Way is notorious for accidents involving livestock

Author: Henrietta CreaseyPublished 30th Apr 2021

It seems the message to stick to the 40mph limit is still not getting through to some motorists.

Police and road safety campaigners spent an hour monitoring traffic on the B3078 which is deemed a 'high risk' road.

54 cars were clocked exceeding the limit with one going 56 mph.

On the spot tickets were issued to a number of drivers.

Speed checks are regularly carried out on the B3078

Last Friday (23rd April) 49 drivers were caught going too fast on the same road near Bramshaw.

Just days ago Gilly Jones from the New Forest Roads Awareness group appealed on Greatest Hits Radio for drivers to slow down particularly with foals appearing:

"Mum could be the other side of the road so obviously as soon as a vehicle goes by they could shoot in front of them. These little ones have no road sense, so everyone has be extra cautious."

Last year 50 animals were killed on the New Forest roads, including 29 ponies.

A further 21 were hurt.

More than 1,100 people have signed a petition calling for average speed cameras to be installed along Roger Penny Way to help monitor traffic.

It was launched after nine animals were killed in the spate of nine weeks at the end of last year.

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