Memorial to children killed in A36 crash vandalised again

The tributes at Steeple Langford have been damaged for a third time

Jackson Watters and Millie Crouch died in a car crash in 2016
Author: Faye TryhornPublished 19th Nov 2022

A memorial to two children, killed in a car crash on the A36, has been vandalised for the third time in seven months.

Tributes have been left to 17 year old Jackson Watters and his 12 year old sister Millie Crouch at Steeple Langford since the collision in October 2016.

It's become a place that their family and friends visit to lay flowers and memorial items.

The latest vandalism was spotted on Thursday last week (10th November) by a family member, with flowers ripped out, items thrown around, and some even stolen.

The memorial has previously been damaged in April and July this year.

The memorial, as it was, earlier in the year

Wiltshire Police are now investigating what happened.

PC Dean Wright said:

“This is an incredibly personal site for the family and to have it repeatedly vandalised has caused a great deal of distress.

“The family is understandably devastated by this third incident as it now feels personal, as opposed to being perpetrated my mindless youths.

“We are carrying out enquiries and would urge anyone with information to please get in touch.”

If you can help with any information, you're asked to call Wiltshire Police on 101, quoting reference number 54220119869.

You can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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