Amesbury hotel found guilty of injuring 13 people with fireworks

A hearing took place today (5th November) almost exactly three years after the incident took place.

Author: Jack DeeryPublished 5th Nov 2020
Last updated 5th Nov 2020

The Antrobus Arms in Amesbury has been found guilty of two breaches of the Health and Safety at work Act after injuring people during a firework display.

Thirteen spectators, including eleven children, suffered burns during the event on the 4th November 2017.

At Salisbury Crown Court, Fitzbride Ltd, the operators of the hotel, admitted failure in their duty to safeguard both their employees and members of the public at their premises.

When setting up the display the organisers failed to follow the clear instructions printed on the fireworks, which had been bought from a local supermarket.

The clear instructions on the fireworks were not followed properly

Rather than burying them into the ground, the fireworks were set out on plyboard on top of a table, surrounded by clay bricks.

The explosives then became unstable, shortly after being started, which meant they were discharged sideways and forwards into the crowd.

The hotel were holding their own display after an event in the town was cancelled.

No evidence of malfunction of the firework due to faulty manufacture was established.

Councillor Simon Jacobs, Cabinet Member for Public Protection said:

"Those injured included children and the court recognised the traumatic impact this may have on them. Thankfully the burns injuries were relatively minor, however it could have been far worse as the burning material was discharged into the crowd around head height, striking two victims very close to their eyes.

Sentencing has been delayed due to the current pandemic. The timing of this hearing today on Bonfire Night, and this judgement, highlights to us all that fireworks can be extremely dangerous. It's vitally important they are handled with extreme care and all safety guidance is followed."

The organisers were fined £8000 and ordered to pay £8000 worth of costs.