Pre-booking no longer required for Wiltshire Council gyms

The changes come into affect today (Monday 21st June)

Author: Jack DeeryPublished 21st Jun 2021

Wiltshire Council have confirmed that people no longer need to pre-book gym sessions at any of their owned leisure centres.

The authority say they have been operating a "cautious" booking system while they got to grips with demand and their ability to manage numbers.

However, they feel that they can now remove the requirement and still be able to deliver full Covid-19 safety measures.

It means customers will be able to visit the gym when they want, for as long as they want, as per normal operating procedures.

The majority of swimming pool sessions and exercise classes will remain bookable though, due to social distancing guidelines.

This is only for Wiltshire Council owned sites like Five Rivers Centre in Salisbury, Pewsey, Tidworth and Durrington leisure centres.

Any managed on behalf of the council by Places Leisure will continue to operate as they have done.

Durrington Swimming and Fitness Centre

Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling, Wiltshire Council Cabinet Member for Leisure and Libraries, said:

"The pandemic has hugely impacted our services over the past 15 months, and our staff have worked hard to ensure they have continued to adhere to all COVID-19 safety measures as required, whilst providing as many services as permitted throughout the restrictions. Our teams have adapted the way they deliver services and used truly innovative approaches we would never have imagined prior to COVID-19.

Although there is a delay to the next step of the roadmap proceeding, our services are continuing to run with as much capacity as possible and aiming to support our communities to get back to using and enjoying the services we offer with as much freedom and flexibility as permitted.

It's important to remember that the majority of the current restrictions will not yet be changing so we all need to continue play our part to stop the spread of the virus so that the country can proceed to Step 4 while keeping ourselves and our loved ones as safe as possible."

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