New stats show burglaries and violent crimes are falling in Wiltshire

PCC for the county Philip Wilkinson says the data is 'pleasing'

Wiltshire Chief Constable Catherine Roper with PCC Philip Wilkinson
Published 30th Jan 2024

Efforts to deal with burglaries and violent crimes in Wiltshire appear to be working, the county's Police and Crime Commissioner has said.

Data from the Office of National Statistics has shown a 'significant' drop in the number of those types of crimes being recorded.

Residential burglaries are down 12%, while there's been decreases across the board for violent and sexual offences.

The figures also show:

• A five per cent decrease in violence against the person

• A decrease of eight per cent in violence with injury

• A decrease of five per cent in reported sexual offences

The latest ONS report, Crime in England and Wales: year ending September 2023, was released this week.

'Clear operational priorities' paying off

Police and Crime Commissioner, Philip Wilkinson said: “I’m really pleased to see the operational priorities set by the Chief Constable and the proactive policing from dedicated and focused officers, staff and volunteers on the ground has been reflected in this report.

“But while these statistics paint a positive picture, it’s our communities that are really feeling the effects and residents tell me that they aren’t feeling the impact of this progress, and we must now bridge this gap.

“My office is ensuring all key stakeholders are working together - through the work of our Serious Violence Duty Co-ordinator – to develop a serious violence strategy for the county and commission specialist services to prevent serious violence and knife crime, with the core focus of making Wiltshire safer.”

Upon taking over as Chief Constable, Catherine Roper set clear objectives last year to improve the Wiltshire Police's response to burglary and violence to make the county's public spaces safer.

This included the introduction of the burglary team to target prolific offenders, investigate serious offences and out of force offenders travelling to Wiltshire to commit crime.

The Force have also committed to proactively policing and enforcing burglary as well as attending 100% of reported residential burglaries and improving the service that victims receive.

Assistant Chief Constable Mark Cooper gave his reflections on the latest stats being released:

“It is clear that Wiltshire Police continues to face high demand in a range of areas, however I cautiously welcome the statistics which appear to support the positive progress that has resulted from renewed focus on tackling the most serious crime types.

“Our Chief Constable, Catherine Roper, has been very clear about her operational priorities of tackling violence, burglary and safer public spaces and as an organisation we are steadfast in our determination to meet this challenge.

“We are determined to continue building from this foundation, working closely with partnership organisations, with the support and scrutiny of the Police and Crime Commissioner Phillip Wilkinson - to address the broader issues that fuel criminality.

“Protecting the community and prioritising victims underpins our decision making and we are constantly reviewing our approach through oversight, engagement, and reflection to best serve the people of Swindon and Wiltshire.”

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