CCTV cameras relocated to Salisbury's 'blind spots'

It's hoped it will provide camera operators with maximum coverage of the city.

The cameras have been manned by Salisbury City Council volunteers for the last six years
Author: Jack DeeryPublished 7th Oct 2020
Last updated 7th Oct 2020

Two CCTV cameras in Salisbury have been relocated to cover two areas that are classed as 'blind spots'.

Salisbury City Council and Salisbury BID have moved the pan and tilt cameras to the Market Placeand the junction of Barnard Street and Trinity Street.

The switch comes after an increase in crime at Alabare Place, which provides accommodation to homeless people and is situated on Barnard Street.

Wiltshire Police say the number of crimes taking place there between April and July this year amounted to 11.11% of all crime in the city centre.****

That's almost twice as much as the same time period the previous year with issues ranging from anti-social behaviour, violence and drug dealing.

Wiltshire Police say that's put a disproportionate level of demand on policing in the area.

Inspector Pete Sparrow hopes the relocation of the cameras will help with these 'high demand' areas.

"We are extremely grateful to the PCC and Salisbury City Council for supporting the funding of the relocation of two CCTV cameras in Salisbury. These cameras are now up and running and providing invaluable coverage of the area which will help us identify offenders and respond quickly to any escalating issues. Working closely with local stakeholders, we identified some of the high demand areas where CCTV would be beneficial and a number of measures to improve community safety - including enhanced CCTV - were identified. I hope the public feel reassured by this news - it is just one example of our commitment to keeping the people of Salisbury safe."

Funding for the project has come from Angus Macpherson, Police and Crime Commissioner for Wiltshire and Swindon, and Salisbury City Council.

Mr Macpherson said:

"The important role that CCTV plays in helping the Force identify offenders and keep people safe within our communities should not be underestimated, therefore I am really pleased to have been able to support the relocation of these CCTV cameras which will further enhance the CCTV coverage of Salisbury city centre. This is particularly important as the clocks go back next weekend, and the number of hours of darkness each day increase.

"The neighbourhood team has been really proactive in liaising with stakeholders and local residents who were really concerned about the level of crime in these areas, and I have been really impressed with their dedication to getting to the root of the problem and implementing several measures including this new CCTV to further improve the safety of the area. I will be keen to hear from the neighbourhood team in the coming months to see how much of an impact these cameras and other measures have had on crime rates in the area."

Richard Goodman, Salisbury City Council's CCTV Manager, said:

"The relocation is making very good use of existing cameras; we are constantly looking to improve the system and support the Salisbury community."

Salisbury CCTV was set up in 2018 to help keep the people living and working in the city safe.

A team of operatives monitor the CCTV system at key times in the communications hub inside the control room at Bourne Hill.