Child's bike stolen from Salisbury school

9 year old discovered it missing when he went to ride home

Author: Henrietta CreaseyPublished 17th Nov 2022
Last updated 17th Nov 2022

It seems there's no let up in the spate of bike thefts in Salisbury with the latest victim a 9 year old boy.

His bike was stolen from Greentrees Primary at Bishopdown yesterday (16th November).

The lock to the black Carrera Vengeance Junior Mountain Bike had been cut.

Even more upsetting the bike was a gift for his birthday.

"This was an awful experience for our son to have to arrive to at the end of the school day and such a shame that it has happened Please keep your bikes as secure as possible so hopefully this doesn’t happen again."

Police are investigating.

It comes just days after officers revealed there had been more than 30 bike thefts across Salisbury.

Like in this instance some of those bikes were left locked.

The advice from officers is to double lock your bike, and to take any removal parts with you.

Other tips include getting it security marked and registering the frame number for free on a cycle database such as BikeRegister or

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