Food vouchers for some Hampshire residents struggling with cost of living

Certain residents will be entitled to a one off payment

Author: Jack DeeryPublished 26th Aug 2022

Hampshire County Council are providing food vouchers for some residents to help them with the rise in the cost of living.

Households that are eligible for Local Council Tax Support are entitled to a one-off £30 voucher, while a one-off £65 voucher will be made available to pensioners in receipt of Local Council Tax Support and Pension Credit or Guaranteed Credit.

Local councils will contact anyone who may be eligible.

They're being funded by the Department for Work and Pensions’ Household Support Fund.

Councillor Roz Chadd, Hampshire County Council’s Deputy Leader and Executive Lead Member for Children’s Services, said:

“At a time when there is increasing financial pressure on household finances, I’m pleased that the Government has enabled us to extend how we use our Household Support Funding to help more people facing hardship, including pensioners as well as families with children.

“We have all seen a significant rise in the costs of groceries and other essentials in recent months. Together with the supportive measures already in place, I hope these vouchers will provide those in need with welcome additional financial help.”

In total, the County Council has allocated more than £3 million to food vouchers which will be issued by district and borough councils throughout August and September.

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