£1.4 million to connect young people to New Forest nature

The National Park Authority's got lottery funding for a local project

Author: Faye TryhornPublished 10th Oct 2023

£1.4 million of funding has been given to the New Forest National Park Authority, to help local young people better connect with nature, and support communities to tackle climate change.

The vast majority of the cash (£1.2 million) for the Youth for Climate and Nature scheme (YouCAN) has come from the National Lottery Community Fund, with the remaining £264,000 from match funding by partners.

The project itself if aimed at 11 to 25 year old, to put together nature-focused campaigns in their local communities.

That'll include things like junior ranger programmes, volunteering opportunities, habitat improvement schemes, climate cafés, composting, food growing/waste reduction, walking and cycling in nature, and internships providing experience in green skills and jobs.

The funding will go towards local projects for young people to be directly involved in climate change action

The National Park Authority will work alongside a number of local organisations and charities to launch the project from this month.

The partner charities include Salisbury based Alabaré.

Prof. Gavin Parker, Chair of the New Forest National Park Authority, said:

"We know our communities and young people are eager to tackle the climate and nature emergencies and there is already a great deal of activity in this area. The YouCAN scheme represents an unprecedented opportunity to secure a step-change towards sustainable living in the National Park and beyond, and this investment will give us tools, resources, knowledge and networks to move forward at pace.

"YouCAN aligns with our National Park Partnership Plan themes of climate, nature, people and place, and the funding will allow us to develop a 10-year plan for climate action with partners so that we can continue to work together beyond the three-year scheme."

Melissa Eaglesfield, Deputy Director, UK Portfolio from The National Lottery Community Fund, said:

"I am delighted that the New Forest National Park Authority is using our funding to put young people at the forefront of meaningful climate action. Thanks to National Lottery players, we are proud to help young people thrive and help communities be environmentally sustainable across the region."

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