Hampshire rubbish tips set to keep booking system permanently

We've needed to book a slot to use the dumps since early in the pandemic

Author: Faye TryhornPublished 26th Jan 2022

Hampshire County Council is likely to make the online booking system to use their household waste recycling centres a permanent thing later this week.

The authority's waste bosses have recommended that Councillor Ron Humby, who's responsible for the services, approves the idea.

Bookings were first brought in at sites in June 2020, during the first lockdown.

That followed a two month closure of the tips and huge queues when they reopened.

More than 3 million dump trips have been booked since then, with Hampshire County Council saying it's been such a success they'd like to keep it in place.

They've said they've had feedback from customers that suggest it's an improved experience for them, while staff report it's made it easier for them to manage the sites safely.

But there is one aspect of the system that would need to be looked at, if it was to be made permanent.

The booking website is currently managed by an external company, costing the authority £40,000 per year.

Hampshire County Council say they'd look to bring that in house in the future.

Wiltshire Council also brought in a booking system for household waste recycling centres around the same time as Hampshire, but they were scrapped in the county from July 2021.

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