Harnham Bunker to reopen with new community group

New life is being breathed into cold war era bunker

Author: Henrietta CreaseyPublished 7th Oct 2021

New tenants have been announced for Harnham bunker, an old underground military telephone exchange buried in woodland on the outskirts of Salisbury.

The bunker opened as an underground music venue in 2017 but the lease ended last year with Salisbury City Council announcing in June the unusual venue was available for a "peppercorn rent."

The new custodians are Underground Studios CIC.

The Community Interest Company plan to launch workshops, sessions and bring a creative youth club to The Bunker with the aim of helping young people to learn and develop skills in music and digital media.

The site will be renovated to create multi use areas including a Radio and Podcasting Studio, music practice space and recording studio, TV studio and an IT and editing suite.

A number of digital medal projects will also be aimed at the wider community.

The Underground Studios is a collaboration between Alex Mobaraki, Andy Munns and Naomi Payne who between them bring a huge amount of experience in these areas.

Director Andy Munns says the space is brilliant.

“It is hugely exciting to be entrusted with The Bunker. It’s an amazing space that will allow us to welcome lots of young people, and some older ones too, into the space and allow them to learn and develop new skills. It’s really important to us that as many people, from as many backgrounds as possible can access the projects that we are running and The Bunker becomes well known as a welcoming and safe place for people to come and try new things.”

While Alex Mobaraki also a director of the group can't wait to be up and running.

"It feels like a lifetime ago since the bunker's doors were last open, so being able to finally say that the bunker is back is fantastic. We'd like to use this opportunity to thank all the young people, their families, local businesses, educational institutions and council members; The support we've received has been absolutely amazing. It's been a long journey but we're so happy to be returning home."

The team also plan to work alongside partner organisations working with young people and other sections of the community to develop a 'vibrant creative hub' and 'maximise the space.'

Both Andy and Alex have joined the newly formed Youth Forum and will work alongside Sarah Gregson the City Council's Communities Manager.

Conversations already taking place with The City Council Communities Team, Wiltshire Creative and Wiltshire Council to increase provision for young people.

The Mayor of Salisbury, Cllr Caroline Corbin said,

“The City Council is delighted to support Underground Studios to bring the Bunker back into community use for the benefit of the community. We encourage all those interested to get in touch with the team and make the most of the opportunities at the Bunker”

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