£1 million given to Wiltshire Council to tackle homelessness

The money will go towards buying houses and extra support

Author: Faye TryhornPublished 29th Feb 2024

£1 million of Government money is coming to Wiltshire, to help get rough sleepers off the streets.

The Council's been awarded cash from the Single Homelessness Accommodation Programme, which aims to help people into stable, long term homes.

The funding will be used to provide seven, one-bedroom homes in Salisbury, Chippenham, Devizes and Trowbridge; and two three-bedroom Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMOs) in Devizes and Chippenham.

It'll also help to provide wraparound support to address substance misuse, trauma, wellbeing and mental health.

Cllr Phil Alford, Cabinet Member for Housing, Strategic Assets and Asset Transfer said:

“We are very pleased to have received this funding which will enable us to go further in delivering our Business Plan commitment to prevent homelessness and help people have a long term place to stay and call their home.

"The funding means we can support adults with complex needs who may have a history of rough sleeping and require high levels of support and who are not yet ready for independent living."

Wiltshire Council also recently signed a new deal with Salisbury charity Alabaré to continue their partnership work with homeless people across the county.

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