Larkhill boy receives national WellChild Award

Harry Byrne supported his seriously ill younger brother

Author: Faye TryhornPublished 23rd Sep 2022

An eight year old boy from Larkhill has been awarded a national WellChild Award, for his efforts to support his seriously ill younger brother.

Harry Byrne has also raised thousands of pounds for Wiltshire and Hampshire children's hospices, Julia's House and Naomi House.

He's been honoured with the Caring Child category at the star-studded event in London earlier this month (8th September), after being nominated by his Great Aunt, Lorraine Lunn.

Harry's story

Harry is described as a big hearted, big spirited little boy who is very caring and unselfish and full of boundless energy and enthusiasm for life.

He helped to look after his younger brother Reuben, who had a very rare brain condition which limited his life span.

Harry’s eldest sister Olivia who tragically also died of the same condition as Reuben, before Harry was born.

He helped his parents with the everyday tasks needed to keep Reuben comfortable and happy, such as entertaining and playing with him in such a way that Reuben felt totally loved and included.

He was very aware of the warning signals when Reuben was about to have a fit and would warn his parents and then rush to get the oxygen to help him.

Harry from Larkhill meeting Dick and Dom at the WellChild Awards

Harry came up with the idea of fundraising, and did a 45-mile walk to raise awareness of Reuben’s condition and raise funds for the hospices that looked after Reuben and supported the family.

Next, he created a much bigger challenge, inspired by Harry always telling Reuben he loved him to the moon and back.

The Moon Trekkers group was formed, carrying out 16,000 miles worth of challenges - that's twice around the moon.

Harry also created a 'Christmas Wish' to provide presents for children and young adults spending Christmas at Julia's House and Naomi House.

Starting off with donating his £2.50 from the Tooth Fairy, and a further £11 from his own pocket money, Harry’s Christmas Wish has now received just under £7,000 from supporters, plus bags of toy donations.

Harry meeting Gaby Roslin at the awards ceremony in London

Reuben passed away five days before Christmas 2021.

Harry promised Reuben he would climb a mountain in his memory, and completed the Yorkshire Three Peaks in April 2022, to help Harry fulfil his last promise.

Harry’s Great Aunt Lorraine who nominated him for the WellChild Award, said:

“His confidence has grown and it shows in his radio and television interviews. All the family are extremely proud of Harry and wonder what he will come up with next! Please not swimming with sharks Harry!”

WellChild Chief Executive, Matt James said:

“We were so pleased to be able to celebrate our remarkable winners at The WellChild Awards 2022, in association with GSK, despite the unique circumstances this year. It was a chance to recognise and highlight the immense challenges they have faced and to celebrate the remarkable positivity, resilience, and spirit they have demonstrated. It also helped us to shine a light on the dedication of those around them, from siblings, professionals and volunteers who have gone above and beyond to help them through such challenging times.”

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