Lorry drivers caught watching films whilst driving on Wiltshire M4

A roads policing operation has caught more than 80 offences

Author: Aaron HarperPublished 27th Feb 2024

HGV drivers have been found watching films whilst at the wheel on the M4 in Wiltshire.

A roads policing operation using an unmarked HGV has helped Police officers identify more than 80 offenders over three days.

It's part of a joint initiative between National Highways and NRPOI (National Roads Policing Operations and Intelligence) called Operation Tramline.

Members of the Force monitored the M4 between Junction 14 and 18, with HGV drivers being of particular interest.

Most of the 83 offences that were spotted included using a mobile phone or not wearing a seatbelt when driving, something new, AI-powered safety cameras are being trialled by Wiltshire Police in an effort to crack down on those offences.

Speaking on Operation Tramline, PC Luke Hobbs said:

“The HGV gives us an elevated view into vehicles using this busy stretch of road so we can better detect offences such as mobile phone use. Whilst the majority are law abiding drivers, it is always shocking to see just what some of these drivers think they can get away with – all whilst in control of a vehicle which can be up to 44 tonnes in weight with the potential to cause significant and serious harm to others.

PC Luke Hobbs, part of the Operation Tramline team

“Last week alone, we saw drivers watching films on their phones or tablets whilst behind the wheel, overloaded vehicles which can pose a real danger to other road users, and drivers showing a complete disregard for the speed limit.”

Greatest Hits Radio spoke to Head of the Roads Policing Unit, A/Insp Will Ayres about the discovery of drivers watching movies whilst at the wheel.

"Some of the things we saw, unless you see it, you wouldn't believe it.

"We've had people cooking food in lorries that we would otherwise not see from down in our patrol vehicles.

"It is absurd, it's absolutely not right, has no place on our roads and that's why I'm really keen that we utilise these operations, in particular operation tramline, because we can stop and deal with those drivers there and then."

Operation Tramline is part of the force's commitment to keeping the roads of Wiltshire safe, by targeting the fatal five offences- drink/drug driving, careless driving, driving at excess speed, driving without a seatbelt and using a mobile phone.

A/Insp Ayres said: "These are the offences most likely to contribute to death and serious injury on the roads."

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