Information support cards offered to emergency incident witnesses in Wiltshire

Wiltshire's fire service is launching a scheme to help those left distressed by an incident

Published 11th Jun 2021

Wiltshire's emergency services are to hand out information cards to members of the public who witness, but are not directly involved in, an incident.

The scheme will help those affected by what they saw, directing them to a place of help.

It was started by Tisbury Firefighter Matt Mullins after he attended an incident last year and could see how the witnesses were left distressed.

As there was no follow up for them, Matt got in touch with the DWFRS Road Safety team with an idea of business card.

It will link people to the DWFRS website, which sign posts everyone to different charities, after experiencing something unexpected.

That could be a fire, collision, water incident, pet rescue, or any other form of rescue that can be difficult, particularly in instances where suffering or loss of life have been witnessed.

Matt said: "As firefighters, we take such pride in engaging with our communities and naturally place a huge emphasis on rescue. I feel it's just as important to ensure that we extend that protection further than education through our prevention work and response to incidents.

"Emergency situations affect everyone differently and in cases where witnesses are present, we want to be able to help them as much as we can by showing them where they can find support."

After several months of partnership meetings, researching content and finding a sponsor, the scheme is about to launch, with a supply of cards which can be issued to witnesses following incidents across Dorset and Wiltshire.

The cards have a URL link and QR code, leading to a website page with signposting to partners offering support, advice and guidance.

Both Dorset and Wiltshire Police are supporting the scheme as being a Police incident ground, only they may distribute the cards at road traffic collisions. However, all emergency service staff can identify community members who may benefit from further support to Police personnel and provide cards to them if they are not carrying them.

Road Safety Manager Christine Sharma said: "I'd like to offer my sincerest thanks on behalf of the Service to Matthew Boatwright of Boatwrights Estate Agents for their kind sponsorship of the scheme. Their assistance has meant we now have 10,000 cards available to distribute amongst our emergency service partners across Dorset and Wiltshire."

More information about where to find support or guidance can be found here.

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