New "health improvement" hub set up by Wiltshire Council

It builds on the success of the current Health Trainer Service which was set up in 2014.

Author: Jack DeeryPublished 6th Oct 2020

A new service to help improve people's health and mental wellbeing has been set up by Wiltshire Council.

The "Wiltshire Health Improvement Hub" will use trained coaches to support people and help them improve their mental state.

The council's current service has supported 5000 people in the county in helping them lose weight, increase physical activity, reduce alcohol intake, stop smoking and improve emotional wellbeing.

We're encouraged to speak out if we need support, as help is always at hand

It's hoped the new hub will build on the Health Trainer Service and become a single point of access for referrals to the coaches, Healthy Me and their adult weight management programme, that is due to launch in January 2021.

Cllr Simon Jacobs, Cabinet Member for Public Health said:

"Many people have struggled with their mental health in recent months due to the Coronavirus pandemic. In response we are refocusing the current health trainer service and launching the Health Improvement Coaches service, so that we can better support the residents of Wiltshire.

The new service will support mental wellbeing by giving clients practical tools and advice which will assist behaviour change and improve their health. For example, supporting a client to eat more healthily or reduce their alcohol intake to support their mental wellbeing. Or practical behaviour change support for low mood, reducing stress or anxiety. Coaches will also continue to offer 1-2-1 stop smoking support and 1-2-1 weight management support.

Our Health Improvement Coaches will offer one-to-one support for six one-hour sessions, the sessions are carried out by telephone or virtually and when safe to do so they will be offered as a face to face session. This service will be available to over 18s and is free."

For more information on Health Improvement Coaches and how they can help, visit the Wiltshire Council website.