Downton woman calls for 'dangerous' catapults and slingshots to be made illegal

A petition has been started to ban them after string of crimes in the area

Author: Sophie CridlandPublished 14th Apr 2021
Last updated 14th Apr 2021

A petition has been launched in a desperate bid to make the sale of catapults and slingshots to anyone in the UK, illegal.

Chris Parry from Downton is calling on the government to stop young people being able to purchase and use them to fire ball bearings.

In the last 18 months they have become an increasing problem in the village and surrounding areas like Redlynch, Morgan's Vale and Woodfalls.

Ball bearings are being launched at people and live stock in the area

Chris says she has seen first-hand what harm catapults and slingshots cause the local area:

"Our bus stops have been smashed, windows have been broken, including my own and unfortunately we have had animals killed by catapults being used.

"Dog walkers have been attacked, cars have been broken and damaged, it just hasn't been very easy to go out on a walk, you're always wondering is there somebody behind me, are they going to pull out a catapult and fire it at us."

After speaking to Wiltshire Police, Chris wrote to YouGov, who accepted the petition.

10,000 signatures are needed by September to bring it to the Government's attention.

Chris explains what will happen if the petition is accepted:

"The catapults and slingshots will be added to the list of items that are illegal for youngsters to use in an uncontrolled manner.

"This petition is not to stop people enjoying their sport, with legal rights to fish - it is to stop youngsters buying and using catapults particularly with ball bearings.

"Under current powers I have been told police are unable to deal with this adequately whilst ensuring that fishermen/farmers can continue to use their slingshots for bait.

"This will be part of the final government debate, to ensure that those using catapults and slingshot lawfully are protected, with permission."

Salisbury Police are backing the petition and calling for a change in the law.

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