Rise in assaults on South Western Ambulance Service staff during lockdown

The emergency service which covers Wiltshire is urging people to respect its staff.

Published 10th Sep 2020
Last updated 10th Sep 2020

Between the 23rd or March and 23rd of August ambulance staff reported 106 physical assaults by patients and other members of the public

In the same period last year there were 77.

Staff also reported 212 incidents of verbal abuse during the five months compared with 183 last year.

More than one in four of these verbal incidents were by callers to 999 Control Room staff.


One paramedic has shared her ordeal in a video message.

Tracy Higginbottom was spat on while she was taking a young woman to hospital in an ambulance during a night shift in North Cornwall.

Tracy, who has been a paramedic for more than 20 years, said the "nightmare" experience left her feeling "contaminated, broken and defeated".

She took a month off work to recover.

Tracy said:

"Violence and aggression appear to be escalating, and is something we have to deal with as a part of our job. But I've never experienced anything quite like this."

"The patient had taken drugs and consumed alcohol in the community. She was out of control and vulnerable. We have a duty of care, and I was genuinely concerned for her welfare. So I decided she needed to go to hospital, even though it was an hour and a quarter away."

"It really kicked-off in the ambulance. She was swearing, kicking and spitting everywhere. It took two of us to hold the patient down to prevent her coming to harm and to prevent her damaging the ambulance."

"Afterwards I felt very distressed and traumatised. So I took some time out, because you need to be in the right frame of mind in my role. "

Tracy decided not to press charges against the person responsible for the assault.

Jenny Winslade, SWASFT Executive Director of Quality and Clinical Care, has praised Tracy for speaking out.

"Nobody should have to face that kind of unacceptable behaviour, especially not a healthcare professional caring for a patient."

"Sadly our people face violence and aggression every day while they are trying to protect and save our patients' lives, which can have serious consequences on them, their families and colleagues."

"They put themselves at risk for the sake of others, and we support whatever action is necessary to protect them from harm. Please respect our people, and help them to help you."

Ambulance workers are joining their nursing colleagues in strike action today


In 2018 the service launched the #Unacceptable campaign to highlight the abuse and assaults faced by emergency services workers while on the job.

It reminds people that assaults of this nature are unacceptable, and are a crime under the Assaults on Emergency Workers (Offences) Act 2018.

SWASFT is encouraging people to share social media posts in support of the campaign to spread the message as far as possible.