Latest Rockbourne Fair raises £51,000 for Stars Appeal

The three-day annual shopping event is held at Salisbury Racecourse

Author: Faye TryhornPublished 24th Jan 2024

The latest Rockbourne Fair in Salisbury has brought £51,000 in for the Stars Appeal, the District Hospital's charity.

The organising committee's presented a cheque to the charity's President, the Earl of Pembroke.

The three-day annual shopping event held each October has now raised a total of £261,514 over the last five editions.

Bev Moulding, the chair of the Rockbourne Fair Committee, said:

“We are absolutely delighted by the incredible success of Rockbourne Fair 2023. Raising over £51,000 for the Stars Appeal goes beyond our expectations especially in the current economic climate and speaks volumes about the dedication of our volunteers, the quality of our stallholders, and the support from every visitor who walked through our doors.

“Every penny raised will make a significant difference in enhancing patient care and supporting our hardworking NHS staff. This is a proud moment for all of us involved in the Fair, and it reinforces our commitment to continue to put on this fun and much-loved pre-Christmas shopping event.”

The fair featured over 100 handpicked artisan stalls offering a wide variety of items for shoppers from fashion, jewellery, and luxury homeware to gourmet food and toys.

President of the Stars Appeal, Lord Pembroke said:

“On behalf of the Stars Appeal, I want to say a massive thank you to the Rockbourne Fair Committee. The fantastic amount of money raised is a testament to their hard work and dedication, and to the brilliant support and generosity of our local community.

"It will enable the Stars Appeal to do even more to support our hospital and the local people it cares for by funding state-of-the-art equipment, enhancing facilities and providing ongoing projects to support the wellbeing of patients. Thank you so much to everyone involved for making Rockbourne Fair 2023 such a success!”

The Stars Appeal needs to raise £1 million a year |newtab) to fund services and equipment at Salisbury District Hospital, over and above what the NHS can do.

The Rockbourne Fair |newtab) will return for 2024 - with the stalls taking to Salisbury Racecourse once again from the 16th to 18th October.

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