Salisbury MP calls for A36 bypass to be considered

'Radical solution' to ease congestion must be looked at

Salisbury's John Glen says his main concern for the A303 Stonehenge project is that it best serves local people while protecting the the World Heritage Site
Author: Jack DeeryPublished 16th Mar 2021

Salisbury MP John Glen has written to Highways England calling for "all possibilities" to be considered to help reduce congestion on the A36.

He was showing his support for a major strategic study looking at the road network in Dorset, Wiltshire and Somerset but said the exercise should be used in the city.

Mr Glen said we need to looks making tangible reductions in congestion.

In a series of tweets he said:

"Highways England is undertaking a major strategic study looking at the road network in Dorset, Wiltshire and Somerset. The parameters of that study are currently being decided in a scoping exercise that will report back in April. Yesterday, I wrote to Highways England reiterating my support for the strategic study and highlighting that this exercise must not solely focus on upgrading the A350 corridor, but also look at making tangible reductions in congestion on the A36 through Salisbury.

All possibilities need considering, including radical solutions such as rerouting the A36 as a bypass as well as more limited improvements to congestion hotspots such as Southampton Road. It's a strategic mistake to take options off the table before they have been assessed.

Alongside this work, I remain committed to increasing the amount of cycling and walking in the city centre. I will help develop new proposals after the pandemic which can command wider support than the previous scheme which was suspended in November. Our priority must be to deliver an overarching transport strategy that improves air quality by increasing cycling and walking AND reducing congestion and through traffic on our road network – particularly the A36."

In November 2020, a petition was set up on which was looking for signatures to build the Salisbury Bypass.

It was set up by Salisbury City Councillor Dr Mark McClelland who wants the "frequent" A36 traffic jams and lengthy tailbacks to be a thing of the past.

But earlier this month, 13 members of the council voted to oppose calling for a bypass or relief road for the city.

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