Salisbury Ukraine Hub warns refugees "facing nowhere to go"

Up to seven families are struggling to find accommodation, we're told

An event was held in the summer, at Salisbury Ukraine Hub, to celebrate the Ukrainian Independence Day
Author: Ana Da SilvaPublished 18th Nov 2022

Ukrainian refugees in Salisbury are facing having nowhere to go following their six-month accommodation under the Homes for Ukraine scheme.

The Salisbury Community Hub for Ukraine says up to seven Ukrainian families in Salisbury are struggling to find housing.

Recently, Wiltshire Council announced it is planning to purchase up to 100 homes, to be leased back to Ukrainian refugees for at least three years.

The WiltsLet Deposit Scheme is another scheme where the Council will pay the deposit and rent in advance to help secure a private let and has been available in the county for some time to help prevent temporary homelessness.

The new proposals have been welcomed by the group of volunteers at the community hub, but they say urgent help is needed in the meantime.

Jane Ebel from the Hub said:

“We would be hugely grateful for any offers of respite or emergency care, for when people have to leave quite suddenly and the Council is not able to find them alternative accommodation.

"The offer of temporary hotel accommodation is a last resort, used only if Ukrainians will be street homeless, so we have to explore other options."

Jill Tomalin, another member of the Hub and a host under the Homes for Ukraine scheme herself, explained the situation is urgent for some of the families.

"A long-term solution is the best option, so of course we welcome this (Wiltshire Council's announcement). But the dilemma we have is that we already have six or seven families here in Salisbury who are in an emergency situation.

"People like myself, who have already reached the end of the six months, are not in any hurry to ask our guests to leave. But we recognise that hosts have very good reasons sometimes to bring something to an end.

Jill hosts a Ukrainian couple and their child in her home, after they fled the war in Ukraine.

She hopes to inspire others to sign up for the scheme:

"This has been one of the most important things that I've ever done in my life, and it's been really important to feel that I've made a real difference.

"To open your home, is something that is still valid now, as valid as it was when the war broke out in February."

The Hub is encouraging people with interest in signing up to the scheme, to get in touch with the Hub on 07341 141632 or email, or contact Wiltshire Council direct via

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