South West farmers 'doing everything' to avoid bird flu spread in turkeys

They're increasingly asking for advice in the run up to Christmas

Stock image of Avian Influenza control sign on gate
Published 3rd Oct 2022

British farmers say they are doing all they can to ensure that supplies of turkeys this Christmas are not at risk because of the worst avian flu outbreak in UK history.

More than three million birds have been culled in recent months - and the virus has been detected at 155 sites.

Avian Influenza Prevention Zones have been introduced in areas including the whole of the South West of England.

The South West branch of the National Farmers' Union say calls to their support line have increased recently as members look to take precautions and protect their livestock.

David George for the organisation says they now have specialist teams giving out advice:

"(We're) following very strict guidelines about biosecurity, making sure they limit the number of people who are going in and out, making sure everything's clean; so they're doing as best they can to manager this avian influenza outbreak - which I think is one of the worst we've seen.

"Things like the protection zone are useful - it's about all you can do really, in the face of avian influenza, because it's carried by wild birds.

"Free range producers are at particular risk, as they're birds are obviously outside."

Most farmers are limiting access to their animals as much as possible to help reduce the spread.

Usually levels of the virus fall over the Summer.

The National Farmers' Union says while there is a 'risk' of the virus spreading to turkeys, currently there has not been widespread problems and they are not predicting a shortage this Christmas.

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