Wiltshire residents encouraged to sign up as NHS volunteers

The plea's come from the South Western Ambulance Trust.

Ambulance workers are joining their nursing colleagues in strike action today
Author: Faye TryhornPublished 1st Oct 2020

The region's ambulance service is calling on people locally to do their bit to support NHS charities.

They've tweeted to encourage people to sign up, saying:

"Volunteers make a huge contribution, giving their time, skills and expertise freely each year to support the NHS. Find out more about how you can volunteer at your local NHS organisation or charity."

SWAS is calling on people across the county to support NHS charities - as it's been a difficult year for them

South Western Ambulance Trust has put the request out on their social media in support of the national 30 Days, 30 Ways campaign.

That's been running for the last six years, aimed at pointing people who are willing to help with causes that might need it.

September was also 'Preparedness Month', prompting SWAS to call on local people to help where they can.