Support staff at Wiltshire Police to be recognised this week

Half of the organisation is made up of support staff

Author: Aaron HarperPublished 5th Mar 2024

Members of staff at Wiltshire Police are being celebrated this week for their role in policing the county.

As part of the National Police Staff Week of Celebration and Recognition, staff colleagues are being recognised their contributions to keeping Wiltshire safe.

Police staff make up half of the organisation at Wiltshire Police, across a wide range of specialist functions, including staff investigators and those who enable policing in the community - such as PCSOs and offender managers.

Chief Constable Catherine Roper said: “Since joining Wiltshire Police, I have been immensely inspired by seeing, first-hand, the willingness of police staff and officers to go above and beyond every day.

“I’ve also seen a real desire for collaborative working and people pulling together to improve the service our communities receive. Our police staff cohort plays a vital role in Keeping Wiltshire Safe.”

Chief Constable Catherine Roper recently marked a year in charge of the force.

Chief of Corporate Services – the police staff equivalent of the Deputy Chief Constable – John Derryman said: “This week is about recognising the pivotal contribution of police staff members – quite simply, without them, policing would not function.

“Police staff not only support with the delivery of operational policing – they are absolutely integral to how our organisation operates. I think the public would be very surprised by the breadth of roles undertaken and how they directly complement operational officers in various roles.

“I have had an extensive career in the private sector, but I have never felt more motivated in a role or been so very impressed by the level of dedication and professionalism as I am here in Wiltshire Police. I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank each and every member of police staff within Wiltshire Police.”

Throughout the week, the force will be sharing police staff case studies with our communities.

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