Improvements at Sweatfords Meadow in Fordingbridge

A newly improved walking route has reopened for people to enjoy

Author: Mike DraperPublished 3rd Jan 2021

The Sweatfords Meadow walk has been enhanced as part of New Forest District Council's Greenway project.

It aims to improve local walking routes and protect sensitive areas of The Forest.

* The work at Sweatfords Meadow included resurfacing 500m of footpath with hoggin, a compacted mix of gravel, sand and clay that allows water to drain through. This hard-wearing finish means the path can be used throughout the year

* The narrowest sections of the path have been widened

* Overhanging vegetation has been cut back to create a clearer route

A muddy Sweatfords Meadows path before the improvement and resurfacing works

Many areas around the water meadow have previously became waterlogged and very muddy during the winter, but the improvements will enable more of the paths at Sweatfords Meadow to be enjoyed for more of the year.

The meadow is open to the public all year round but, as a water meadow site, after exceptional rainfall parts of the meadow, including sections of these paths, may still become submerged under flood water.

Sweatfords Meadows footpath after the resurfacing and improvement works

Councillor Edward Heron, New Forest District Council's portfolio holder for planning and infrastructure said:

"Our Greenway scheme aims to give our residents, including dog walkers, access to more green and natural spaces to visit and enjoy. I am delighted that our residents and their pets will be able to enjoy this new route. By creating more, and better, walking routes in the district we can help protect our Forest, by reducing visits to some of the most sensitive areas of the New Forest National Park."

New Forest District Council's Greenway project aims to improve recreational walking routes across the district. The project is funded from contributions paid by developers towards environmental improvements as part of any new residential development in the district.

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