Local test and trace service to be rolled out in Hampshire

People will receive a phone call from a 01962 number

Author: Jack DeeryPublished 3rd Dec 2020
Last updated 3rd Dec 2020

Civic chiefs in Hampshire are to roll out a local test and trace system in a bid to stop the spread of Coronavirus.

Hampshire County Council will run their own service from this week.

This means that where the national Test & Trace service is unable to reach people who have tested positive, the local call handlers will take over and will contact residents who would need to self-isolate.

The news comes as the country wide service has repeatedly come under fire as an investigation revealed that just half of close contacts given were reached.

We are being asked to continue engaging with test and trace as it's vital in stopping the spread of the virus

From the end of this week people in Hampshire will receive a phone call from a 01962 number and will be given self-isolation guidance.

Cllr Lorna Fielker, cabinet member for health and adult care, said:

”Evidence from other successfully trialled Local Test and Tracing services show that people respond more readily to calls and call backs when a local team get in touch with them.

"We need people to answer the local number and help identify their close contacts that need to be contacted to be advised to self-isolate.”

The exact date for the roll out of the county council service is yet to be revealed.

In a statement the authority said:

“Hampshire is one of many local authorities that has worked with NHS Test & Trace to set up a Local Tracing Partnership which will begin rolling-out across the county from the end of this week.

"Where the national NHS Test & Trace service is unable to reach people who have tested positive within their usual timeframes, local call handlers will take over – calling from an 01962 number.

"Those who have tested positive will be asked to confirm their local contacts and will receive appropriate self-isolation guidance and any additional support they need.”

The authority said the new system will play “a crucial role” in protecting communities in Hampshire:

“Providing residents with access to prompt and convenient testing, and ensuring their close contacts are traced, is key to preventing further spread of the virus by breaking the chain of infection. We urge anyone who has tested positive to pick up if called.“


Wiltshire Council's Public Health team launched their version of the system two weeks ago.

Their aim was to try and reach the people in the county who were not contactable by the national team.

Since the start they have been able to reach 63% of these people, who previously would have not known they needed to self isolate.

The local authority are encouraging residents to make sure they pick up the phone if they see 0300 456 0100 call them.

They will also be sent a text message before the call to let them know what it's regarding, if there is no answer a voicemail will be left where possible.