Warning not to leave valuables in vehicles overnight after spike in thefts in Fordingbridge

Hampshire Police say too many people are making it easy for thieves to strike

Author: Henrietta CreaseyPublished 9th Feb 2021
Last updated 9th Feb 2021

Over the last few weeks there's been a spike in thefts overnight from vehicles in Fordingbridge and Ringwood as well as futher afield in New Milton and Lymington.

Hampshire Police stress most burglaries are committed by opportunists.

"These are often spur-of-the-moment decisions, made when they see valuables left on view or lapses in security. Personal items such as mobile phones and tablets, handbags and work tools left somewhere obvious can be an attractive target, so please do take them indoors with you every night."

"Our officers in the community are continuing to follow-up on all reports of thefts from motor vehicles, so please be reassured that we are doing all we can to protect the community and bring these offenders to justice."

"We would urge you to remove all personal belongings from your vehicle each night. While this might seem laborious at the time, it might just save you from becoming a victim of crime."

Residents are also being advised to consider installing a CCTV camera or motion-detector dash-cam to offer extra security for vehicles parked on a driveway or in-front of a garage.

"This way, it may serve as a deterrent to potential thieves as they know that they will be caught on camera."

Meanwhile several cars were broken into in Ashurst in the New Forest on Sunday night (7th) with the majority of them unlocked.

Walkers in the New Forest are also being reminded not to leave any valuables in their car even if they think they are well hidden.

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