Three donkeys die after being hit by a van in New Forest

The collision happened early this morning on the B3078

Author: Henrietta CreaseyPublished 12th Dec 2020
Last updated 12th Dec 2020

Roger Penny Way is one of the most dangerous roads for animal accidents.

This morning (12th December) just before 7am two adult donkeys and a foal lost their lives after they were involved in a collision with a van near the turning to Bramshaw.

The trio were killed outright.

Ian Winson captured the road conditions on his dash cam as he approached the horrific scene.

He told Greatest Hits Radio Salisbury visibility was good despite it being early.

"I came across the three donkeys dead in the road just after the crash and was a shocking sight to see for anyone. Locals and commoners are sick of the carnage caused along this road."

It happened just two days after speed checks were carried out on the route by Hampshire Police and campaign group, New Forest Road Awareness.

In the space of an hour 46 cars were caught breaking the 40 mph limit with one driver caught doing 68mph.

Officers say one driver passed the team twice speeding on both occasions.


In October when the clocks went back the New Forest National Park Authority warned drivers with more journeys taking place in the dark to take extra care.

Speaking at the time Head Agister, Jonathan Gerrelli said:

'People driving in the Forest need to be aware at all times when travelling on the Forest roads, as the free-roaming animals have no road sense and can appear suddenly in front of your vehicle with little warning."

"Allow yourself a little more time for your journey and if visibility is poor, due to the weather, darkness or an oncoming vehicles lights, slow down."

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