Three men given Covid fines in New Forest

They'd broken lockdown laws travelling across a number of areas

Author: Mike DraperPublished 22nd Jan 2021
Last updated 22nd Jan 2021

PC Steven Norris from Hampshire Police has issued fines on 3 men found breaking lockdown laws in the New Forest.

They were stopped in a car having yesterday (Thursday 21 Jan 2021) having driven to the national park from the Isle Of Wight via Dorset.

The reason they gave for their trip was to 'look at a second hand car'.

It is against the law to leave your home to travel unless for work or other legally permitted reasons.


It turned into an expensive journey. People aged 18 or over can be fined: £200 for the first offence (lowered to £100 if paid within 14 days) and £400 for a second offence, doubling for each further offence up to a maximum of £6,400.

New Forest Police have said stay at home unless your journey is essential.


For the latest on what is and isn’t allowed during this lockdown check

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