West Wellow man jailed for rape and controlling behaviour

56-year-old Nigel Geoffrey Lay's been given a 12 year sentence

Author: Faye TryhornPublished 11th Dec 2023

A West Wellow man's been jailed for 12 years, after being found guilty of raping a woman and subjecting her to coercive and controlling behaviour.

56 year old Nigel Geoffrey Lay, of Barnes Close was previously convicted of four counts of rape and one count of coercive and controlling behaviour, following a 12-day trial.

He's now been sentenced at Southampton Crown Court.

The offences took place in Hampshire during a four-year period, between 2016 and 2020.

The woman, aged in her 50s, reported that during that period, the man had controlled her life, including finances and access to food, lighting and heating.

He had also repeatedly raped her during this time, the jury was told.

In a Victim Personal Statement, the woman said:

"The court case has been extremely difficult, especially sharing personal and embarrassing information. I found the strength to do so only that (he) would face his actions and accept responsibility for them.”

Hampshire Police staff investigator Keely Osborne said:

“This is a case that will remain with me, and everyone else who worked on it, for a long time. The victim, who is vulnerable, has been so incredibly brave, as have her family and friends.

“Lay’s behaviour has left scars that are likely to remain for some time to come. I sincerely hope this sentence goes some way in helping the victim’s closure and recovery.

“We take every report of rape and sexual assault seriously, and will investigate each one, no matter what the circumstances. We have a specially trained team to investigate and provide support to victims.

“We would urge anyone who feels they are a victim of domestic abuse, rape and other sexual offences to report it to us or to a domestic abuse support service. You will be listened to and supported.”

You can call police with reports of sexual abuse on 101, and there's more information on the Hampshire Police website.

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