Wheelchair accessible swing could be coming to a Salisbury play park

DIGS are working on a proposal with the City Council

Stock image of wheelchair accessible swing
Author: Aaron HarperPublished 10th Aug 2023

Children in Salisbury who use wheelchairs could soon be able to join in playing at a local play park.

Disability Interest Group in Salisbury (DIGS) are raising money to install a swing accessible for wheelchair users at Queen Elizabeth Gardens.

According to survey by disability charity Scope, almost 50% of parents with disabled children say their local playpark isn’t accessible.

The play park at Lizzie Gardens doesn't currently have accessible equipment

The study also found one in 10 are in danger of injury because of lack of accessibility and one in seven cant enjoy the playground as a family because siblings cant access the equipment.

DIGS have made a proposal with Salisbury City Council, who say:

“Salisbury City Council are working with DIGS on the proposal to put a swing suitable for children who use a wheelchair in Queen Elizabeth Gardens. Final details have yet to be decided.”

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