Wiltshire Council adding 'one hour grace' for Blue Badge parking

The authority's making changes five months after introducing charges

Drivers in Wiltshire are warned that parking isn't free today, despite enforcement officers being on strike
Author: Faye TryhornPublished 2nd Feb 2023

Blue Badge holders paying for parking in Wiltshire Council run car parks are to get an hour's grace on their tickets.

The change has been announced by the authority, just five months after introducing parking chargers for disabled drivers for the first time.

Wiltshire Council Leader, Cllr Richard Clewer, confirmed the change at a Cabinet meeting this week (Tuesday 31st January).

In a video released by the Council, he says the new rule's being brought in after he met with a Salisbury disability group:

The 'one hour's grace' means that Wiltshire Council traffic enforcement officers won't be able to put tickets on cars that are displaying a Blue Badge for an hour after the fees have run out.

Cllr Clewer said in a statement:

“We are pleased to announce this additional one-hour parking grace for Blue Badge holders.

“I’ve spoken to and listened to feedback from disability groups in Wiltshire about this issue, and seen at first-hand that some people who have Blue Badges, and pay to park in our car parks, require that little bit extra time to leave and return to their vehicles, so we think this measure is a sensible solution.

“We hope this supports Blue Badge holders to have a better and more comfortable experience using our car parking facilities. It also helps us deliver on our Business Plan aim of having vibrant, well-connected communities.

“We’ll work hard to get this up and running as quickly as possible.”

A date for the new rule hasn't been confirmed as yet.

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