Wiltshire safari park welcomes trio of new cheetahs to boost breeding programme

Themba, Ajani and Lunis are said to be settling in well

Author: Aaron HarperPublished 10th Apr 2024
Last updated 10th Apr 2024

The animal keepers of a Wiltshire Safari Park are hopeful love is in the air this spring after the arrival of three new Cheetahs.

Three males, Themba, Ajani and Lunis have arrived at Longleat Safari Park from Stuttgart in Germany, ahead of mating season.

It follows the departure of Mo and Bolt to the Big Cat Sanctuary in Kent.

The pair, who were born at Longleat in 2019, weren't able to breed with Xeni, one of the current females at the park, as they're related and showed no interest in the other female, Rachel.

It's hoped that they will find a mate in Kent, with hopes the new arrivals at Longleat do the same.

Lead Keeper for Carnivores, Kayleigh Smith, said: “They are wonderful. We are really happy to have them and really hoping for more cheetah cubs which is so important for the breeding programme.

“When they arrived they came straight out and were climbing, playing, grooming and running; they can run from zero to 70 if they really want to in this great open space that they have at Longleat.”

Longleat have released a video showing the trio's journey from Germany to Wiltshire.

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