Wiltshire special constable recognised for selfless bravery while off duty

He stopped to help at scene of a crash

Author: Henrietta CreaseyPublished 21st Nov 2022
Last updated 21st Nov 2022

A Special Constable with Wiltshire Police who restrained an aggressive driver has been recognised for the selfless bravery he showed whilst off duty.

Christophe Mathers was driving home near the Wiltshire/ Hampshire border on Sunday 6th February when he spotted a van in a ditch on the wrong side of the road.

He approached the van to see if help was needed.

Establishing that the driver who had left the vehicle, was under the influence of alcohol. Special Constable Mathers identified himself as a police officer and prevented the driver from returning to the van.

The driver became aggressive and as Special Constable Mathers was attending to the passenger, he caught Special

Constable Mathers off-guard, pulling him into a headlock.

Special Constable Mathers managed to break the man’s grip and then restrain him for 20 minutes until the police arrived.

The driver was arrested for being drunk and disorderly, and in possession of a bladed weapon.

SC Mathers was one of many officers and staff to be honoured at the Wiltshire Police Awards held near Pewsey last week.

Speaking at the launch Wiltshire Police Chief Constable Kier Pritchard said:

“Our Force Awards ceremonies are extremely special; they are a moment for us to stop and reflect on the service you have provided, often across decades, and a time to recognise exemplary work."

He added

"Tonight, is a great example of those taking pride in their roles. Most will say they were simply doing their job but tonight is about thanking you and them for dedicated service, and for going the extra mile to make a difference."

Attending the event were Police and Commissioner Philip Wilkinson, the Lord-Lieutenant of Wiltshire, Mrs Sarah-Rose Troughton and the High Sheriff of Wiltshire, Lady Lansdowne.

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