Woman has handbag stolen from back of wheelchair in Salisbury

Wiltshire Police are hoping someone may have some information about this incident and another that took place on the same day.

Author: Jack DeeryPublished 2nd Oct 2020
Last updated 2nd Oct 2020

Shoppers in Salisbury are being urged to be vigilant by the force after a couple of incidents of purses and handbags being stolen.

One happened at midday on September 26th when a handbag was stolen from the back of a woman's wheelchair in Catherine Street.

Inside the bag was a red purse with cash, bank cards, passport and a mobile phone.

It was later handed in to a shop in New Canal but the money and cards were gone.

On the same day, a woman in her 70s had her purse stolen while shopping in Marks and Spencer.

Cash and cards were inside, and many attempts were made to withdraw money from an ATM in the High Street, but they were unsuccessful.

There's now an appeal from Wiltshire Police for anyone with any information about these incidents to get in touch.

If you can help you should call 101 and quote crime reference numbers 54200097017 or 54200097058.


The force have now issued some advice to help people reduce the chances of these kinds of incidents taking place.

They say you should:

  • Never let your handbag out of your sight
  • On public transport, keep hold of it, with the clasp or zip shut so a thief cannot steal your purse
  • Always carry your purse or handbag close to your body
  • Do not carry your handbag by the handle or place your arm through the strap and let it hang. Place one end of the handbag in the palm of - your hand, the other in the bend of your elbow. Draw it close to your body. Hang on to it firmly especially when walking close to other people
  • When using a cash machine, be aware of who is around you, stand close to the machine and always shield your PIN. Once you’ve completed your transaction put your card and money straight into your purse before moving away from the machine and ensure your purse is at the bottom of your bag, with the bag clasp faxing inwards.