Year 4 pupils at a Wiltshire school sent home after child tests positive for coronavirus

Children and two staff told to self isolate for 14 days

Author: Mike DraperPublished 11th Sep 2020
Last updated 11th Sep 2020

Children in year 4 from Trinity CE Primary Academy in Devizes must now self-isolate after one of the pupils tested positive for Covid-19.

As an additional precautionary measure, two staff members have also been asked to self-isolate.

The school, which comes under the Diocese of Salisbury Academy Trust, is working closely with Public Health England and Wiltshire Council to ensure high standards of hygiene and social distancing are maintained and all the necessary measures are in place.

The Year 4 self-isolation is very precautionary to minimise any risk to others.

Hannah Allender, Headteacher, said:

"We have written to all the parents and carers of our Year 4 students asking the pupils to self-isolate for 14 days as a precaution. We are grateful to the parents of this year group for their understanding as we know it is unfortunate to have to ask them to do this so soon into the school year."

Mark Lacey, CEO of the Diocese of Salisbury Academy Trust said:

"I would like to reassure our parents that we have been working closely with PHE and Wiltshire Council to ensure this is managed appropriately and the rest of the school can continue as before. Close contacts identified are now self-isolating for 14 days in line with government guidance. Those who are being asked to self-isolate will continue to carry out home learning so they can continue their studies."

The Diocese of Salisbury Academy Trust is also responsible for Shrewton CE Primary school.

Kate Blackburn, Director of Public Health for Wiltshire, said:

"This is a very precautionary approach to ensure we minimise the risk of any transmission in the school. Public Health England and the school have completed a risk assessment, and they are also working with us to ensure this is managed appropriately. We will support the school as they provide home learning to the pupils asked to self-isolate and we will continue to provide advice and guidance to ensure high standards of hygiene and social distancing are maintained."

"It is important those asked to self-isolate do adhere to the government guidance; if they don't have symptoms they do not need to get a test. However, if a member of their household has symptoms and takes a test then they should self-isolate."

"I would like to remind all our schools and the wider community that the best way to prevent the spread of the virus is to regularly wash your hands, maintain social distancing and to continue to stay at home as much as possible."