Clevedon's active travel scheme to be reviewed by independent experts

The wavy-line scheme is to see an independent review, and a public meeting, which will be held later this month

The changes which have been made in Clevedon
Author: Oliver MorganPublished 6th Jul 2023

Clevedon's so-called controversial 'yellow brick road' is going to be independently reviewed by a team of experts.

North Somerset Council have made the announcement following criticism, including from the RAC, who told us earlier this year that the scheme was confusing.

The scheme was designed to support the local authority's commitment to providing sustainable travel routes by encouraging more cycling and walking as well as reducing car travel.

The local authority say the independent review's being carried out because they're delivering on a commitment made by North Somerset Council back in May.

When it was being built, the first stage of the scheme focused on the Hill Road area and included the widening of pavements on the north side of the road, new crossing points, road resurfacing, new road markings, a one-way system, the contraflow cycle lane and a 20mph limit.

The second stage of works to The Beach provided a new 20mph limit, public realm improvements, new crossing points and a segregated cycle lane, forming the start and end point of the Pier to Pier Way.

Since May, the council has arranged a number of pieces of work to inform the independent review:

  • In June, Active Travel England made a visit to Clevedon to inspect the scheme's compliance with Government funding
  • The local authority have contracted external engineers to underdo a 'Stage 3 Post-Implementation Safety Audit', as part of normal statutory and council process
  • Audit west are currently looking into how the scheme was brought forward and implemented

Later this month, North Somerset Council leaders will hold a public meeting to kickstart the review opportunities for the community to give feedback on the impact of the project and any changes needed.

Clevedon South ward councillor Hannah Young, North Somerset Council's executive member with responsibility for active travel, said: “As a Clevedon resident myself, I hear local opinions about the scheme on a daily basis and see the way it is being used by cars, cyclists and pedestrians. There is no doubt that it has been controversial. I regularly receive positive as well as negative feedback from members of the community and many suggestions for improvements.

"The review process will mean that the concerns raised about the design – its safety, accessibility, aesthetics, parking arrangements and effectiveness in meeting its active travel aims - can be explored fully and transparently and costed options provided for any proposed changes.

“We are determined to listen to the concerns of the community and both the Leader of Council, and I will be present at the public meeting and engaged throughout the review to help us to understand and consider the different viewpoints.”

Cllr Mike Bell, the Leader of North Somerset Council continued: "In May, our new partnership administration committed to an independent review of the scheme, to include open engagement with local councillors, residents, businesses, voluntary organisations and other stakeholders.

“We are making good on that promise and the independent review will enable us to hear the concerns of the community, reflect on priorities and make high level recommendations on how we can move forward together.”

The public meeting, which will be open to the whole community, to let people give feedback on the scheme, is to be held at Clevedon Community Centre, Princes Road, on July 20 at 7pm.

Read more: Clevedon seafront changes branded 'Yellow Brick Road'

Read more: 'Wavy lines' will be reviewed as RAC say they're confusing

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