Somerset Council to look at repairing and relocating iconic 'Willow Man'

The sculpture, which was built back in 2000, has fallen into a state of disrepair

Author: Oliver MorganPublished 27th Nov 2023

Plans to revive the once-iconic Willow Man near Bridgwater's been handed a funding boost from National Highways.

The sculpture, off Junction 23 of the M25, hasn't been looking the best in recent years - and actually is barely recognisable.

The council's hoping to use the £35,000 from the Designated Funding programme to look into repairing and relocating the 23-year-old structure.

Created by artist Serena De la Hay and unveiled in 2000, the sculpture was commissioned by South West Arts to mark the millennium and celebrates the role of willow in the ecology and craft tradition of the Somerset Levels.

A future scheme could see the sculpture rebuilt using more robust materials.

The current state of 'Willow Man'

Somerset Council’s Lead Member for Transport and Digital, Councillor Mike Rigby said: “We’re really pleased National Highways have given us this money to explore the possibilities. Willow Man has been a prominent feature for Somerset and it is sad the sculpture is in such a state of disrepair.

“But we need to be clear that any potential project looking to repair, enhance or relocate Willow Man would be subject to another significant funding bid, or bids – it unfortunately is not a spending priority at this point.

“Somerset Council is not in a position to commit any funds to the project but we will be looking to explore all future funding options following the engagement and design work.”

Jonathan Hill, National Highways’ Route Manager, said: “At National Highways, our work goes beyond operating, maintaining and improving roads. We’re investing in the environment and communities surrounding our network, as well as the people travelling and working on it.

“We're providing initial funding to Somerset Council to support their aspirations to realise a project to restore the iconic structure alongside the M5 – a glowing example of how this funding can make life better for communities living and working near our roads.

“We hope that, by providing the funding to kick-start this project, the council will be able to explore third party funding opportunities to restore or replace this South West landmark.”

Have your say on the plans here: Willow Man feasibility study - Somerset Council

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