Homeless service helps almost 1,500 overcome barriers to healthcare

Almost 1,500 thousand homeless people have now been helped by the NHS across Somerset thanks to the Homeless Health Service

Author: Oliver MorganPublished 22nd Jan 2024

New figures from the Somerset Homeless Health Service show, at any one time, there are hundreds of people homeless in the county.

Especially as the temperatures drop, it's been revealed that those who are in temporary accommodation, or sleeping rough, face huge barriers to accessing healthcare, and as such, can potentially only live until their mid-40s – around 30 years younger than the general population.

Amongst the homeless population, it's been revealed that drug and alcohol disorders are common and they are also more likely to struggle with their mental health.

In fact, homeless people are more than nine times more likely to contemplate suicide.

Since launching at the end of 2021, 1286 people who live on the streets, in hostels, tents and vans have been helped with their physical and mental health by the Somerset Homeless Health Service.

'It's not just people living on the streets who struggle'

GP Dr Laura Devlin is one of two inclusion GPs who goes out with the Homeless Health Team.

She said: “I have learned that my most important duty is advocating for my patients. Our team is passionate about social justice and strives to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and with respect.

"We aim to help excluded people navigate what can be a confusing healthcare system, and to give them the same high-quality care that any person would expect to receive in a GP or hospital setting”.

Somerset NHS Foundation Trust Clinical lead, for the Homeless and Rough Sleeper Nursing Service, Karen George said: “Whether it’s a park bench, a field, or one of the hostels across Somerset, we will deliver outreach nursing care to those who need it, wherever we can.

“There are hundreds of people in Somerset who are in difficult situations, and it’s important to remember that it’s not just people living on the streets that struggle. There are people living in hostels or sofa surfing, living in their cars and those who have just been released from prison amongst many more who don’t have a permanent home.

“When someone doesn’t have a fixed address, the barriers they face to accessing healthcare can be impossible to navigate. This often means they end up attending an emergency department (ED), when they don’t really need to be there, or sadly, simply not accessing healthcare at all.

“Our goal as a team is to reduce the gaps in healthcare, by working closely together with our partners across Somerset. We link in with our colleagues at Public Health, NHS Somerset, Somerset Drug and Alcohol Service (SDAS), homeless charities across Somerset and with other healthcare services. “

How the service works

The Homeless Health Service is ran by thirteen GPs, link workers, mental health nurses, peer support workers and nurses - all of whom can help with a range of healthcare needs, and help those who need it to overcome barriers to accessing mainstream healthcare services.

It's ran thanks to a collaboration between the NHS in Somerset (NHS Somerset and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust) and Somerset Council.

Nurse and inclusion GP led drop-in clinics are held across Somerset, too, and alongside drop-in centres, people are seen and treated in the community - whether that’s in a field, shop doorway, in a van or tent.

Referrals are also received from Somerset Council teams, the Department of Work and Pensions, hostels, police, schools, charities, village agents, GP surgeries, hospital teams, and drug and alcohol services.

Professor Trudi Grant, Executive Director of Public and Population Health, joint appointment between NHS Somerset and Somerset Council said: “People who are homeless, or vulnerably housed, face huge barriers to accessing healthcare and experience some of the most severe health inequalities compared to the general population.

“Working in this joined-up way is so important when it comes to working with vulnerable groups. This approach has allowed us to deliver a vital health and wellbeing offer that is focused on prevention, early intervention and treatment.”

If you are experiencing problems with you mental health, you can access support via the MIND charity, head to the Campaign Against Living Miserably pages or head to NHS 111.

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