New crossings in Bridgwater to be repaired - just weeks after completion

It follows reports of localised flooding and them being too narrow

The Upgraded Junction Of The A38 Broadway, The A372 St. John's Street And Eastover In Bridgwater
Author: Daniel Mumby, LDRS ReporterPublished 1st Aug 2023

New crossings delivered on one of Bridgwater’s main roads already need to be repaired just weeks after weeks after they were completed.

Somerset Council began work in mid-January on improvements to the A38 Broadway, focussing on the junctions with Eastover and the A372 St. John’s Street, which form part of the Celebration Mile.

The work – which formed part of the ongoing £16.6m traffic signals upgrade programme – was completed in mid-July following months of temporary traffic lights and lengthy delays for both local residents and visitors to the town.

But a local councillor has now revealed that further work will need to be undertaken following reports of localised flooding and concerns about the narrowness of one of the new crossings.

Councillor Leigh Redman, whose Bridgwater North and Central division includes both crossings, said he had been alerted to issues with the road on social media and had requested an urgent review of the work undertaken.

He said: “As local members, both Hilary Bruce and I went out of our way to liaise with lead officers to ensure a communication strategy was in place for this work, to try and ensure residents and traders were kept in the loop.

“I highlighted a number of concerns as the work progressed, which included the new light-controlled crossing on Monmouth Street at the Blake Place junction.

“There appears to be limited space for people to pass on the centre island, and I have asked for an urgent safety review of this crossing.

“I was recently informed of areas of poor drainage and pooling of surface water, and again I have asked for an urgent review.

“I am disappointed with the snags and would hope to have these addressed ASAP.”

The completion of this junction will allow the delivery of the Celebration Mile, which will eventually run uninterrupted from Bridgwater railway station to the Northgate Docks.

Flooding At The New Crossing On The A38 Broadway In Bridgwater

A total of £9m from the Bridgwater town deal will be spent on delivering three key sections of the route from early-2024 – namely:

  • Improving Angel Crescent, with new business units and an improved toucan crossing over Mount Street (approved in November 2022)
  • Pedestrianising the eastern end of Clare Street, including its connections with Castle Moat, King Square and York Building (approved in July 2022)
  • Turning Eastover into a one-way street with cycling lanes, with similar changes to East Quay, Salmon Parade and the Town Bridge (approved in September 2022)

A spokesperson said: “As with any major works there are some minor issues to resolve, and we’re aware of these and are working through them with the contractor.

“We’ve also recently undertaken a topographical survey, so we can understand the extent of the surface water issues and investigate options of how we can resolve these too with the contractor.”

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