Yatton Rugby Club Development

Residents can now comment on plans to build 87 homes on Yatton Rugby Club’s town centre pitches.

Author: Stephen Sumner, Local Democracy Reporting ServicePublished 3rd Feb 2022

Residents can now comment on plans to build 87 homes on Yatton Rugby Club’s town centre pitches.

The club wants to develop its North End site and consolidate its facilities at Kenn Road with a new clubhouse and two full-specification pitches.

It has teamed up with Strongvox Homes and they are seeking public feedback before an application is submitted later this month.

The Concept Plan For Yatton Rfc North End Site

The consultation website says: “The development would deliver significant improvements in the club’s sporting facilities as well as providing much needed housing in the area, together with associated landscaping, public open space, play facilities and supporting infrastructure.

“In recent years, it has become increasingly apparent that maintaining facilities across two locations puts strain on the club’s finances and presents operational difficulties for rugby festivals, for example, where a single, multi-pitch site is far preferred. The clubhouse at North End is also dated and in need of investment, and its parking and accessibility are limited.

“As such, the club’s immediate ambition is to consolidate its operations and modernise its facilities in order to best serve its players, members and visitors, while enhancing overall sport and recreation provision in the local community.”

The North End site is sandwiched between two sites that are also allocated for housing in North Somerset Council’s new draft Local Plan.

Persimmon’s plans for 60 homes to the east of the site off Moor Road were unanimously rejected by North Somerset councillors in April 2021. They said the scheme was “completely out of proportion” to the size of the village and told the developer to wait until plans for the rugby club were submitted to resolve the access issues through a historic orchard.

Persimmon did not accept the decision and lodged an appeal in December.

The Strongvox website says the club will vacate North End permanently, making way for up to 87 two- and three-bed market homes.

If the project is approved, Kenn Road will see the creation of two match pitches, plus a replacement netball court, a new clubhouse and an extended car park to include disabled parking.

The website says the move will reduce traffic and maximise opportunities for travel by more sustainable means. Both sites will manage surface water and the homes will be built to a high standard of energy efficiency.

Comments should be submitted by February 19. Visit www.yattonrfcredevelopment.co.uk for more information.