Woman and dog 'punched' during assault in North Dorset

Two women were walking their dogs when the incident happened

Author: Maria GreenwoodPublished 16th Feb 2021
Last updated 16th Feb 2021

Two women have been assaulted while out walking their dogs in North Dorset.

Police have just released details of the incident which happened around 9.15am on Friday (12 February) morning, in a field between Child Okeford and Shillingstone when they approached a gate and opened it to leave.

One of the women called for their dog and it is reported that two Springer Spaniels, one brown and one black and white, came through the gate. One of the Spaniels was knocked over by one of the women's dogs.

The owner of the Spaniels began to shout at the women, before he punched one of them on the arm and grabbed the second woman. It is also reported that he punched one of the victim's dogs.

The women put their dogs back on their leads and left the field.


The man is described as white, aged in his mid to late 60s, approximately five feet eight inches tall and of medium build.

He was wearing dark trousers, wellington boots, a short navy coat and a blue woolly hat.

Police Community Support Investigator Kayleigh Holder, of North Dorset police, said:

"I am appealing to anyone who was walking their dog on Friday morning in the area and may have witnessed what happened to please get in touch.

"I would also like to hear from anyone who recognises the male dog owner from the description given. We are keen to speak to him to get his account for what happened."

How to contact Dorset Police

Anyone with information is asked to contact Dorset Police at www.dorset.police.uk, via email 101@dorset.pnn.police.uk or by calling 101, quoting occurrence number 55210025255.